Oct 27, 2021
Truth: we forgot HOW FAR WE’VE come in life.
We focus on where we THINK we should be or what we THINK we should have accomplished by now.
Take a moment, like I've done, and remind yourself just how much you’ve already accomplished in this life.
If you're wondering why this matters... listen to this week's podcast...
Oct 21, 2021
Do you find yourself focusing on time and deadlines ALL the time:
How am I going to get this all done?
When do I have to have that done by?
What time do I need to be there?
We all do as we have responsibilities in life, but we can find ways to practice living in the joy and intimacy of the REAL, the moment we are...
Oct 6, 2021
Somebody once said to me: how you live is how you eat.
That really stuck with me.
If you think about it, if you are whipping through your days with your pants on fire, you are likely eating super fast.
If you are going through your days calm and grounded, you are probably eating much more mindfully.
And of course, there...