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Get Lively with Jan

Oct 16, 2023

Earlier this year, I had gotten into the practice of writing down one thing each morning that I was 100% committed to doing and would make happen no matter what.

Simple tasks - I’m not talking about “redesign my website” but perhaps the task would be:
Make a list of things that need to be changed/updated.

But then summer came...

And like so many of you, my routine slipped away.

Now, I'm leaving my notebook on the couch that I sit on in the morning so I can't miss it. Listen to this week's episode as I talk more about this.

There are so many ways to GET LIVELY.  We are a Lifestyle Studio on a mission to help YOU smile MORE.  Through training, group fitness, virtual classes, celebratory life events and more, we are your one stop shop for living a healthier and happier life!