Dec 28, 2017
This time of year we tend to put all our focus on what we WANT to do in the new year and what we DIDN’T do in the year that is now complete, and because of this, we are missing out on the opportunity to REFLECT and recognize what we struggled with and what we were able to overcome. This is how we grow and it...
Dec 19, 2017
Gratitude has become a bit of a buzz word these days, and we tend to give lots of thought to the “big things” in life for which we are grateful. Our health, our homes, having food on the table. And all of that is incredibly important, but what if we started to focus on being grateful for the space...
Dec 13, 2017
Do you feel like you are on a treadmill from Thanksgiving until the New Year, barely able to keep up with expectations, social obligations, and your own desire for the “perfect” holiday season?
It’s time to kick this stress to the curb and reclaim the JOY of this season!
In today’s episode, we are going to chat...
Dec 6, 2017
In part one we talked about what version of the phrase, “if only I were thinner…” runs through your head and how to replace it.
This week, we are going to dig in deeper and talk about comparison, and how it truly can be the thief of joy. I will share tips with you on how to more away from this...
Nov 30, 2017
Does the phrase “if only I were thinner” ever run through your head on autopilot?
Are you constantly judging and perhaps even shaming yourself - maybe so often that you don’t even realize it is happening?
I know that I’ve been there. I’ve let these statements take over and rob me of my joy, but I am DONE with...