Jul 26, 2018
We all know about FOMO, the FEAR of missing out, but have you heard about JOMO? The JOY of missing out? I just learned about it myself and talking all about why we need to embrace it in this episode.
Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/12/style/joy-of-missing-out-summer.html
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Jul 19, 2018
Ever get that “heady” feeling? That feeling when your whole being seems like a series of thoughts colliding into each other inside your brain? How do you get out of this space? Tune in to learn how to make YOUR stand and release the grip of the mind (or whatever is ailing you!)
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Jul 13, 2018
When asked what it means to be in good health, like most people, you probably answer with: eating well and exercising. The “R, S, T, L, N, D and vowel E” answer of Wheel of Fortune. So today we are going to dig deeper and look at what good health might actually mean for YOU and how to discover your most...