Aug 30, 2018
Who doesn’t want more ENERGY? I know I do! Well, perhaps we need to be taking a closer look at how we are giving our energy AWAY and how we can do a BETTER JOB of preserving, refueling, and tapping into the energy sources around us.
Tune in and feel more energized today!
Book referenced: The Well Life by: Briana &...
Aug 23, 2018
In my attempt to put together an episode that was “funny”, I realized that I am not a comedian, SO instead I’m sharing a lesson on how reflecting on moments and experiences that are FUNNY help us to feel more energized and lighthearted. Tune in and hear about what we actually spend most of our time thinking...
Aug 17, 2018
We often have gifts we don’t even realize we have to give. Telling a story about the gifts my sisters’ gave me - sharing their children with me - and the immense joy that I received from them. It’s simpler than you think and they may not even be aware of what they gave me. In this episode I’m shining a light...
Aug 9, 2018
Sharing words of wisdom from my Father-in-Law (aka Papa Taylor), who, by living his mantra - “That’s just what we do.” - sets the stage for those around him to experience immense joy. Tune in to find out what this means and discover what it is that is “just what YOU do.”
Ready to get more LIVELY?
Check out:...
Aug 3, 2018
Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. Everywhere we go, people are talking about being grateful… BUT, are you really sitting into the moment and reflecting on all the forces that aligned to make it happen? Are you acknowledging what occurred outward and within to find you in a place of your “cup runneth over”? You...