Mar 22, 2019
We can be our own worst enemies… beating ourselves up relentlessly for things we ate, things we didn’t do, or things we said. The voice in our head can be so judgmental and make us feel so full of shame. So why do we allow it? Why do we talk to ourselves this way?
Today we will explore how to break this cycle and...
Mar 22, 2019
If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve been diagnosed with a health condition and you’ve wanted to explore diet and lifestyle as an alternative to pharmaceuticals, but your doctor is not in agreement, well this is the episode for you.
Tune in and hear about how to begin to advocate for yourself...
Mar 15, 2019
Talking all about habits today and why we need to look at how we “do things” in our lives, because how we do one thing, is generally how we do everything. Tune in and learn how to see the positive in what you are already doing and how to build from there.
Book referenced: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Take the first...
Mar 7, 2019
What do you to when you WANT to make healthy improvements in your life, but you just don’t know here to START? I’ve got you covered! In this episode, I’m sharing the Get Lively Blueprint, your roadmap for figuring out what YOUR next step should be, and how to build from there.
Grab your FREE Get Lively Blueprint...
Mar 1, 2019
Addressing this question with our very special guest, Dr. Bonnie Wims (, who shares her thoughts on why we WAIT and how different life could be if we were to ASK sooner.
We also discuss online therapy and how this emerging format is breaking down barriers and making this much needed...