Mar 30, 2020
What an unbelievable time in our lives.
We are now a few weeks into this new age of social distancing and living with stay at home orders, and at the same time, we are also finding ways to stay connected while we can’t physically be together.
During this unprecedented time in our lives, connection is more important...
Mar 20, 2020
How many times have you picked up a book and the quote on the cover stated:
“This book will CHANGE your life.”
If you are a self development junkie like me, probably MANY times.
Do books, programs, coaches, courses, classes have the ability to change our lives?
Well, I guess my question is: DO YOU WANT THEM TO?
Mar 17, 2020
People come to me all the time and ask about starting a new:
In all of these scenarios, I generally work through four questions with people to help them understand how “ready” they are to start a new health and/or fitness program.
Sign up for my...
Mar 2, 2020
Don't believe the negative dialogue that is running through your head. Your belief that you will NEVER get it right is just plain WRONG.
EVERY single time you try, you LEARN.
You can’t experience something without learning from it. You will be changed.
It might be in the SMALLEST of initially unnoticeable ways, but...