Apr 27, 2020
I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all experienced so many highs and lows during this unreal time in our lives.
It’s been like living on a roller coaster, except (for the most part) the roller coaster is in your living room.
So what better time to have a good chat with your mom about life…
And that’s...
Apr 21, 2020
Wow, well it’s been over a month. At times it probably felt impossible. Maybe at times it felt peaceful. All I know is that it most likely didn’t feel like you expected the last week of April would feel.
I’ve been thinking about what I’ve been learning about myself quite a bit during these weeks.
Sign up for...
Apr 8, 2020
Show of hands, aside of all of the obvious challenges that the stay at home order creates,
I’ve heard from many people over the last several weeks, now that we are...
Apr 4, 2020
So here we are in mid-April. If anyone had told us at the start of 2020 that this is what life would look like, we would have said they were crazy. But yet, here we are…
So whether you feel like you are MILES from where you once were with your healthy habits or only a few blocks away, I’m here to say that NOW is...