Feb 24, 2021
We often talk about eating when we are stressed out and how this is something to AVOID.
Well, it is if we are eating stuff that is not really that good for us and that will make us feel worse in the long run…
But I don’t often talk about how to address stress with food in a really HEALTHY and lively, (obvi) way.
Feb 22, 2021
Yes, I’m sharing how I gained 5lbs over the weekend.
It was actually Super Bowl weekend…
I don’t normally talk about weight, but I knew the mental struggle that I had to overcome to get myself back to good.
Now offering LIVESTREAM virtual classes from right inside the Get Lively®: Health & Fitness Studio! Join...
Feb 17, 2021
I read a great article in the Huffington Post about hitting the Pandemic wall.
Who out there feels like they’ve been banging their heads against it for awhile now?
I hear you. As I’ve been talking about over the last few weeks, we’ve been at this for a year! So many ups and downs.
Now offering LIVESTREAM...
Feb 11, 2021
The other day I was STRUGGLING.
I couldn’t seem to make anything work.
EVERYTHING felt like a chore.
And EVERYTHING felt tough. Even the simple things that I normally do with ease.
I couldn’t figure out how to handle a situation - I just kept butting heads with it.
Can you relate?
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