Sep 30, 2021
Last week I talked about dancing that fine line in life.
And after I recorded its podcast, I got to thinking about a favorite song from my childhood.
My dad played Johnny Cash all the time. The lyrics of his songs are as much a part of my brain as my fingerprints are part of my hands.
And I realized just how much the...
Sep 30, 2021
I’m going to be honest... I didn’t know what I was going to talk about this week.
I kept putting it off, waiting to be inspired.
And then I realized that I should talk about why I’m feeling this way.
So it basically all comes down to this…
Life often feels like we are dancing along a fine line.
And if that...
Sep 22, 2021
I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been feeling a little, let’s say “unglued”.
I’m struggling a bit to stay focused on what I’m doing, while at the same time, struggling to move from one thing to the next with ease.
Anybody else feeling this way?
So I took a look through some of the notes that I’ve...
Sep 15, 2021
September is the new January.
Yes, that just came to me.
But here’s why September is the new January and why I now LOVE what I hear is September.
In January, we’ve all heard: I want to lose 10 pounds.
But in September we hear: I want to get back into my routine.
Let’s focus on our ROUTINES and making...
Sep 9, 2021
It's the 200th episode of the Get Lively with Jan show!
And as I prepared for what I wanted to talk about on this special show, I went to the current book on my end table for guidance (you know how much I love to do this!)
The book did NOT disappoint…
As I opened my bookmarked page in: No Endings, Only Beginnings by...