Dec 22, 2021
2022 is here! Happy New Year!
I promise, this isn’t going to be another email about setting goals eating healthier in 2022…
Rather, it’s a peek inside my head as I approach this new year (I know, terrifying! Ha ha!)
In recording this week’s podcast on this very subject, I realized a few things and came up with...
Dec 22, 2021
Here we are at the last week in December - Happy upcoming New Year to you all!
As I love to do at the end of each year, I’ve reflected on all that has transpired during 2021, and I wanted to share two reflections I had.
The first is that small changes have the power to make such significant shifts in our lives.
Dec 8, 2021
This time of year I love to watch all the news shows and programs that reflect on the “year in review” or the “best of…”
Now sure, maybe not the most uplifting years to reflect back on these past two, but always valuable to look back and take note nonetheless.
So that is exactly what I did.
I took a look at...
Dec 8, 2021
One of the great things about the work that I do is that I get to have conversations with people all the time. Conversations that reveal so much about how our mindset can both trap and free us.
It made me realize that SO many people out there are stuck feeling like they can’t get THIS until they do THAT.
We can be...