Sep 29, 2022
I’m going to be VERY truthful here…
People often say things to me like: you are so driven and such a go-getter.
Believe me, I am most grateful for this impression and that people perceive me this way, but truth be told, most of the time, I STRUGGLE to get myself to take action on things.
So often I get paralyzed by...
Sep 28, 2022
We chat about things being “good enough” all the time.
We chat about doing SOMETHING is always better than doing NOTHING.
We chat about trying to let go of that “All or Nothing” way of thinking.
Yet, we still find ourselves doing it… me included!
So what does that mean? Well, it means we keep...
Sep 21, 2022
Ever notice how LONG you can dread something?
Even notice how you can put something off for SO long and make it feel impossible?
And then you finally do it.
Whatever the “it” is… going for a walk, not scrolling social media all day, making yourself lunch and actually sitting down to eat it.
And then you do it...
Sep 7, 2022
“Jan, you are setting yourself up to fail over and over again.”
Yes, that’s what my dear friend said to me as I was explaining to her how I was managing my work schedule.
You see, I’m a creature of HABIT. I think I might be in good company ;)
But often, those habits aren’t working so well, yet I...
Sep 7, 2022
Friends, we tend to complicate the living crap out of things and sometimes it only takes a small amount of effort to feel so prepared in life.
So, what’s my secret formula for feeling amazing Monday morning?
Not so secretive or mind blowing at all… all it took, was about 45 min.
For me, it’s two very simple things...