Jan 26, 2023
We treat our bodies like they are our ENEMY... no wonder why we struggle so much.
Everything was put into perspective for me when I was listening to Glennon Doyle’s podcast “We Can Do Hard Things” with Sonya Renee Taylor, and Sonya said this:
You AND your body are on the SAME team.
Mic drop.
We are not separate...
Jan 4, 2023
In this final segment of my 3-part podcast series about the transition of my business, we are going to talk about what is worth fighting for.
For me, in the context of my business, the resounding answer is: YES. Yes, yes, and yes again.
As I’ve been saying each week, I’m sharing all of this as I know aspects of...
Jan 4, 2023
In this week's episode, I’m sharing three things I’m learning about myself as I go through this transition of finding a new space for Get Lively.
Honestly, this is gold in terms of my own life, and as I share in this week’s podcast, there’s elements of these traits that I see in many of my clients as they too...
Jan 4, 2023
After finding out that our sublease was unexpectedly ending at the end of December, one of the things that I started to do to help myself through this process was to podcast about it. I thought: there’s got to be value in sharing these real life “in the moment” challenges as so much of it is relatable.
And well,...